23 Jul 2024

Celebration of the International Day of Flamenco in Torrevieja!

5 March at 19:00!!!!

Flamenco is a popular artistic expression of great tradition that is part of the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

This art combines vocal music, dance and musical accompaniment (called cante, baile and toque) and has its origins mainly in Andalusia and other regions such as Murcia and Extremadura.

It is a cultural manifestation with centuries of history (some experts place its origin in the 18th century, when its popularity began to grow) and is the most representative of Andalusian folklore and one of the best-known artistic expressions in Spain.

It is a true sign of identity for many communities, such as the gypsy ethnic group, and is passed down from generation to generation through dynasties of artists, families, flamenco clubs, various important festivals and an ever-growing number of flamenco schools and tablaos.

Flamenco figures:

Camarón de la Isla, Lola Flores, Manolo Caracol, Rosario Flores, Rosalía, Canelita, Niña Pastori, Diego el Cigala.


