The night of San Juan

 The night of San Juan
23 Jul 2024

For our compatriots in Spain, summer lasts all year round; for Spaniards living on the Costa Blanca or Costa del sol, summer begins specifically on 21 June, shortly after five in the afternoon. One of the characteristics of this season is that it is a time of parties and celebrations in almost all parts of Spain, and without doubt the day , which marks the beginning of all summer events, is one of the most anticipated and loved traditions: the Night of San Juan.

The Night of San Juan is celebrated on the night of 23 to 24 June throughout Spain, but without doubt Catalonia, the Valencian Community, Galicia and Asturias are the communities where it is celebrated with the greatest intensity. But what is the origin of this tradition? What rituals should be performed this evening?

From pagan rites to Christian tradition

Although it is a night of celebration, its origins are quite different. It is a pagan ritual in which the sun and fire are worshipped to burn away what is old and evil and to welcome the summer solstice.

Legends say it is a festival to explain why the shortest night of the year (21 June) occurred. They said that the Sun fell in love with the Earth and would not leave it, so on this day the Celts celebrated the festival of Alban Heurin, during which they lit bonfires, asking the Sun not to leave the sky.

Over time, the feast has evolved into a Christian tradition, as the Bible mentions that St Zechariah, husband of St Elizabeth - cousin of the Blessed Virgin Mary and mother of St John the Baptist - ordered a bonfire to be lit on the night of 23-24 June , to announce the birth of a son.
What rituals are performed?Jumping over the bonfire: in some areas the number of times is important.It is said, for example, that seven jumps must be made.In others, it is also said to make a wish while jumping.Burn the old: something we want to get rid of. For example, in the case of students, burning notes.
Wishes: write your wishes on a piece of paper and burn them. But be careful!We need to think carefully about our wish, because once it is burnt, there is no going back.Bathing in the sea at midnight: cleanses the body and eliminates negative energy.
Washing your face with sea water: for health and beauty. But then we won't be able to look in the mirror all night.
Jump over the waves on your back nine times: in some places this is supposed to attract good luck and in others fertility.

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