A space spectacle that you absolutely must see!

A space spectacle that you absolutely must see!
6 Aug 2024
Are you ready for a spectacular show in the sky? The Perseid meteor shower will provide it for you!

The Perseids, or commonly known as "shooting stars", reach their maximum in August. These "shooting stars" come from the Swift-Tuttle comet, which leaves a trail of cosmic dust behind it as it orbits the Sun. 

The Perseids peak on the night of August 12-13. During this time, you can see up to 100 meteorites per hour! To enjoy this amazing view, it is worth finding a place away from city lights, where the sky is dark and clear. The best viewing conditions are after midnight.

To fully enjoy the Perseids phenomenon, it is worth remembering a few important things

* choose a suitable place, preferably in an open area 

* make sure you are comfortable, take a comfortable blanket and a sweatshirt 

* use the red light of the flashlight so as not to disturb the eyes' adaptation to darkness

* be patient because your eyes need to get used to the darkness to be able to enjoy the sight of the flashes in the sky. 

Did you know that in Spain the Perseids have their own name?

Well, they are called "Lagrimas de San Lorenzo", or "Tears of St. Lawrence". The falling meteors are the tears of the martyr, whose feast occurs when the Perseids reach their maximum.

This combination of the beauty of astronomy, history and tradition with spirituality makes the Perseids even more magical and the night under the Spanish sky takes on a special meaning. 

You can read about other interesting facts related to the Perseids on the website


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